Precepts Digital: E-Learning, Subscription-based Website – Shari Davis Noland

Urban Ministries, Inc.

Precepts Digital

December 19, 2023

Analytics, Audio/Video, Content, E-Commerce

Precepts for Living is one of UMI's most successful, multimillion-dollar brands. The product line includes a 600-page Bible commentary and pastor's edition version, an online membership-based website, an eBook, and a 2-minute daily devotional radio spot. As Chief Technology Officer, Shari initiated the idea for the membership-based website and developed it. The UMI innovation, marketing, and sales teams have collaborated on growth strategies over the years, and the site now has more than 15,000 users, publishes 20-25 videos a month, and has a free YouTube channel called Sunday School Made Simple to attract users to the paid site. Now the Chief Information Officer, Shari regularly provides analytics and user trends data, produces the content for the site, and works alongside the video editor and director to produce the live videos. Audio is created using artificial intelligence voices for the dense text throughout the lessons. Scroll down the images to see the site (use the red bar).